Consultations can be done in person and over the phone. Get comfortable asking questions and listening for important cues that can help you understand their past experiences with lashes and their expectations. If you have your own website, I recommend having a digital consultation form for clients booking online.
We only need a few items to create our masterpieces. There is something to be said about working in a space that is clean and organized. Create an experience for your clients that communicates luxury and professionalism. For me, that means I will do my very best to have fresh linens and a tidy station every time my client comes for lashes. Simple yet obvious offenders are disposables lying around, lash extensions on the sheets, and an overflowing waste basket. Keep your personal items away from clients view (snacks, cellphone, keys, purse).
Do lash artists have pricing power? Well, that depends on a few things:
Consistent Results
The demand for lash extensions remains high and shows no signs of going away. Maybe you are wondering if the market is becoming too saturated. "Too many lash artists mean I should keep my prices low, after all - they might leave me if I charge too much." I used to think like that and encourage you to stay away from small-minded thinking.
You did it! Congratulations. Make sure a few things are in order prior to attending the "Hands-On Training"
Please keep your caffeinated beverages to a minimum. Shaky hands are no fun when working with tweezers
Bring several pairs or types of magnification glasses. You may find isolation & application a bit challenging if you can't see those darn lashes lol
Water, Snacks, Lunch - please come prepared.
Coordinate with your instructor regarding lash model appointment times.